Discovering Dinosaurs at West Minster Primary

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Discovering Dinosaurs at West Minster Primary

For our Arts Award project this year the Reception children focussed on the topic Dinosaurs. We spent some time researching different ways of making our own dinosaurs, and decided that we would use salt dough, and make skeletons to make them stronger. We also made ancient cave paintings, and fossils. The other reception classes made papier mache dinosaurs, fossils and bones.

We successfully completed 78 Discover Arts Awards for every child in Reception, and held a sharing gallery in our garden for all our parents to see.

To fund out Arts Award Discover project, we asked for donations from our parents, and we also organised a cake sale and a teddy bear stall, chosen by the children for their parents and carers to visit. We also received a donation from our PTFA and sold ice creams after school.

Hollie Forster, EYFS Lead, West Minster Primary School.

Arts Award Discover is an introductory award in the arts, certificated by Trinity College London. To achieve their certificate, children and young people collect evidence in an individual arts log of their experiences of participating in arts activities, researching artists and their work and sharing their arts discoveries. For more information visit